Now, E-Commerce sellers or other service providers can download their Digital FIRC from PingPong account.

Step 1: Sign In to PingPong account

(PingPong account (

Step 2: Click on the option Activity option There are two options:

a)  Transactions

b) Inbound Overview

Please click on Transactions to check the transaction details and to download FIRC

You can download single FIRC and multiple FIRC here.

Step 3: "Single FIRC"

Steps to download Single FIRC for each transaction.

⇒ FIRC is attached in the transaction with type of withdraw.

⇒ FIRC is under receipt section.

Click on "Download"

Step 4: "Multiple FIRC"

To download multiple FIRC at once (Batch FIRC):

-> Click on Download.

a)  Select the option "FIRC" to "download FIRC"

b) Choose the "Date Range"

Please Note: you can download 10 FIRC at once

Step 5: After selecting the date range, click on "ZIP"

Step 6: You will receive an email with a link to download FIRC. Click on the link to download the "FIRC".

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Read Here: PingPong India Launches Digital FIRC for Indian Sellers

PingPong Payments India launches Automated Digital FIRC for Indian Sellers