How to submit your documents to use PingPong account (KYC process)

KYC Documents Required to Use PingPong India Account

KYC documents will be uploaded during the registration process. However, if the KYC documents are incomplete or if the compliance team needs any documents – the relevant documents will be requested in the form of question in the Pingpong portal.

Step 1: Sign-In to Pingpong Payments

PingPong Payments India Account - Sign In

Step 2: You will find ‘TO DO’ under ‘Dashboard’ in your home page after you sign-in. Please click on ‘TO DO’ to find the question raised to complete KYC.

PingPong Payments India Account - Dashboard Under "To Do" Section

Step 3: You will find the question/Clarification raised by the team and the space to upload documents. You need to just upload the required documents and click on ‘Submit’.

PingPong Payments India Account - Verified Information

For faster process, you can contact customer service who can help you in escalating to the relevant team to approve the account at the earliest.

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