Increase the virtual account limit

Step 1: Come to the application page by clicking receive from platform under RECEIVE. Find APPLY FOR NEW RECEIVING ACCOUNTS and click.

Step 2: Submit an application for adding more account
Click I want more receiving accounts and choose the currency of the account you want to add.

Choose the currency you want to apply and fill the VA number (how many accounts) you want to apply.

Step 3: Wait for the system feedback about the verification result.

Q 1: What if my application is declined by the system?
A: Please contact your account manager or customer service for manual application. In the application, you should provide:
① store link of the platform you are currently engaging with,
② a full screenshot of the platform dashboard, including the URL and desktop date & and time, showing the account owner’s information.

Q 2: How many additional accounts will I get for each link or screenshot provided in the manual application?
A: You will receive 1 additional account for each valid link and related screenshot provided.

Q 3: Are there any requirements to open a receiving account or increase the amount that I have?
A: Yes, your application limit of VA depends on the account usage level. With a higher usage level, you will get more VA. For more information, please check with your account manager or contact customer service.