Step 1: Add withdraw account

Step 2: The funds will be automatically withdrawn to your bank account.
① The withdrawal initiation time:
l INR: real-time. Cut-off time is 2:30 pm --- before 2:30 pm will succeed in the same day (T+0), after this time will succeed the next day (T+1)
l non-INR: 2:00 pm, 8:30 pm, 0:30 am (T+1), success time is within 1-3 days.
② If you want to check the withdraw records and processing results, please go to Transaction under ACTIVITY. Choose Withdraw from type.

1) Q: If I have scheduled a VAT, will it be processed when new inbound is received?
A: Yes, your VAT will be processed first, and any remaining funds will be withdrawn afterwards.
2) Q: Can I close auto withdraw?
A: Unfortunately, it is not possible to close the auto withdraw feature for your account. This restriction is in place due to the supervisory requirements set by the Indian government. As per these regulations, your account cannot maintain a balance.