Now, sellers & service provides who receive international payments can get their digital FIRC from their PingPong account. The FIRC will be available for each payment and users can directly download the digital FIRC for free! *.
This will help users save time, effort, and save the additional fee paid to banks or another provider to get the FIRC. PingPong gets you the transparent dashboard to track FIRC for each payment. So now, PingPong users can invest more time and energy in growing their global business.

Why is FIRC so important for Sellers and Freelancers in India?
A Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate (FIRC) is a document that acts as a proof for all foreign payments received in India. It is a proof that the international payment received by an individual or a business against export of goods or services.
Read our detailed article on FIRC (
How to get FIRC for my International payments through PingPong?
You’ll receive your digital FIRCs straight to your PingPong account, completely free of charge, and will be available for download for each of your payments. No need to pay for FIRC or wait in a long queue in the banks!
Once your digital FIRCs arrives, you will find it in the activity list on your PingPong dashboard. Follow the steps below:
How to download FIRC from PingPong Portal
Step 1 : Sign in PingPong account (

Step2 : Click on ACTIVITY page. Find FIRC for certain transaction.
Note: 1. FIRC is attached in the transaction with type of withdraw.
2. Find the FIRC under the Receipt section

Step3: Download FIRC

Each time a document is available for you, you will find in the activity page.
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